yeah, you guys might be wondering what is this guy talking about. but I wrote this blog based on an incident in my life about me getting hacked and end up meeting an ethical hacking group read my story till the end I hope it gives you some thrill reading it

hola, people if you know me that's perfect and if not well I am jay {jayendra madaram } an 18-year-old student at Neil gogte institute of technology. I am a full-stack, pull stack as well lol and a python developer you can check my projects by clicking over here => GitHub. Lol,。Oა this is not relevant but do check it out 😁.

        Okay well, I have always dreamt of making bots like stuff. for those who are wondering why he is telling about this, sadly that's how the story begins

Ya know in this current Digital revolution and Digital marketing what's more important, it's not content it s not about SEO { search engine optimization}

rather it is Automation. Yes, automation can make you money even when you are in your sleep if you make use of it perfectly. also for even a lazy guy like me, automation seems dope. 



        so I set my path to make bots. yeah I am still on it I made many and will also make much more in the future but those will be ethical 😅😅. initially, I used to develop websites, UI's, portfolios, and some clones of major sites like youtube.

BUT in this process, was critical for me because I was losing my online attendance lol, due to self-learning and web dev stuff. I was like I am a programmer why not getting rid of my life problems if I can with programming

and that's the start of my automation


   so in the beginning there was an online tool called sherlock under a flexible MIT license. TBH whole credit about sherlock goes to one of my friends. he showed me a list of bugs in sherlock and invited me as a contributor. Well, we forked it from Github and made a discord bot with sherlock wanna know what is it about?

it is a tool with which you can get all accounts available on hundreds of social media platforms. how to use it:

  1. well if you want to use it dm me in discord @jayendra#2616
  2. for any name, you wanna scrap accounts use commands in general
  3. $search <name> { example : $search Prithvi }
  4. or for right into your dm's enter command
  5. $dm <name>
  6. that's in just a few seconds the bot will scrap a huge list of social media accounts and return accounts with links
  7. USE it and write your reviews
actually, it was so deadly, it used to take a huge amount of time for results and used to return lots of fake results. I and Prithvi sat together on a project and resolved some bugs. NOw it's working with good efficiency ( around 15 sec's per request} and returning perfect results. 

    well, this is how my bot journey begins. later on that day one of my friends asked me about my Typing speed. I had few calculations in my brain and said like it was 70 WPM. unfortunately, when I took the test in it was like 30 WPM damn right so I automated with a bot and got a WPM of 1.5k. isn't that amazing? later my account got banned tho lol but I was ranked top on the leaderboard in the world.


        on the other when this is going perfectly and well, My attendance was gradually decreasing so I made a bot using selenium and hosted it on the cloud. To this date, it is still attending my classes perfectly lmao. what does this piece of automation do? Well, it logs into my telescope(ngit website for students), and based on the time it checks which class is running logs into that class turns off the mic and turns of video, and listens to class. prolly in the future, I will add recording and AI notes taking features if possible. Actually, the sucking thing is our telescope has poor maintenance it's so I have to make the bot soo authentic soo flexible it gave me a good experience. know I am feared of my sem exams 😌😌


Days came and went I made some bots, learned development stuff I also launched a youtube channel lol check it out here.

upon all my inventions I give third importance to this failure bot. I made this bot for youtube views to my channel.

what does this bot actually do in reality?
that's simple it opens my YT channel picks a random video and watches it till the end lol. I made it one and cloned it 7X times and ran them on the cloud. it was a huge success in the beginning almost got 3k on my views with just 100 subscribers lmao, I even started daydreaming dang. but here is a plot TWIST.
 Youtube algorithm is not dumb but it's slow it deducted all my views which it got from the same IP address dang initially I felt bad but it was for good.

I will post good content and increase reach in ethical ways from now 😌.

days came and went I too developed a bit. but it was my time to put my knowledge on a page so I made an insta page with id @development_fam.

don't check it. this account was bought down by a hacking community lol. 

so for the growth of  my account, I made a completely ethical bot for my account
I also did a post about it on my LinkedIn. usually, I post everything on my LinkedIn.

bot specs:

    a bot that comments on top posts in your niche spread across maximum people of your niche. reaches people in their dm mentions about your influencer page and advertised them. I have seen most of the bots that are made these broke due to Instagram's algorithm but I used huge random picks for the string so that the insta algorithm never detects as bot.

Scrapping technique: graphql scroll

efficiency : 200 comments a day { insta limit }
1k likes a day
replies to whoever reaches on dm with keyword
100+ DMS a day { insta limit 😑}
fun fact: run multiple bots efficiency multiplies 😁

So this was a bit against rules but not completely I just automated manual work tbh.

by this I would exponentially get followers, in the beginning, it might be low in the beginning but more returns as time passes.
I got good replies from the other few ordered bot too lmao. 

but I was follower hunger so I switched to unethical processes. I made another bot I don't want to mention completely how it works but in brief, the workflow is 

daily tons of insta fake accounts get created around the world barely 1B people on the globe know about insta but you know there are more than 5B accounts lol
isn't that amazing:

I used this kind of loophole with my bot I got those accounts and made them follow my development_fam account

unfortunately, it was a huge success I got 500+ followers within a day 

10 hours before using the bot

results after 10 hours of initialization of bot

isn't that dope, yeah at this rate, or if I re-engineer the bot. in just 200 days of span it would be 100k, or if I use multiple bots dang that would end up having huge followers.

NOTE: This is completely unethical do not use these methods. I hereby declare I will only make ethical automation

BUT when this all seems perfect Here enter's the HERO's.  it is not like I am a villain but I admire them as heroes.

on that day when I made bots my mistake was that I marketed it on my LINKEDIN

DAMN, right yeah LinkedIn caught me. I even mentioned my accounts userid in this article to view click here.

SO after observing these unethical things they bought down my Instagram account!. yes, you heard it right .let I be a bit detail with this cuz plot gets interesting from here.


well, they were so kind, to be honest, they messaged my account @jayendra_02 with my influencer page @devellopment_fam. I was literally in a shock-like I thought it was my friends screwing with me. later realized it is another issue.

those guys who hacked uploaded new posts in my feed followed whoever they liked with my account those 188 following were their making I tried to change the password with forgot PW but you know what they even changed my email damn it. I guess they were obsessed with Billie Eilish bad guy. they used that song wherever they liked

OKAY actually I am sapiosexual so dared even to lose my account at least have a chance to speak with them in the end I lost though


THIS is insane right chatting with me that too with my account. they literally left no clues. I tried to track their location it was like in Sweden. somehow I found their email but it was a temporary email. they changed my password to {qwertyuiop12345} lol.

        Well, they were a bit stubborn but I said I am an 18-year-old student I wanna be like you guys something like bluffing. but lol they said, " okay we are a day off you got only a few minutes to shoot your questions ".

asked as many questions as I can in that 1 to 1.5 hour I got. For me, they seemed to be huge bounty hackers. AND funny thing was they seemed to be in some sort of depression like a usual programmer. firstly I asked how to become on like them. Honestly, it was one of my childhood dreams to work in cybersecurity in groups lol doesn't it thrill you. Maybe if everything goes good I will become one bounty hacker I am ready to work my ass off for that lol.

Secondly, I was not sure I was hacked, I was like did I lose my password somewhere, etc. so I confirmed that did I really get hacked. Sadly they said my password was so simple that it can be hacked with even brute-force.

I was also still in shock that how did I get hacked is this even real or my dream but just recall how can a newborn page get 500+ followers in 10 hours I was dumb lol. they immediately noticed these fluctuations and targeted me.

unfortunately, they have a track of my every move so far damn I'm scared for that movement. but they were like chill out we are not gonna do anything to your account like something. they also mentioned don't be mad at us "for your mental health you can contact our support team"

LOL such a humble hacker. I will try to contact their rehabilitation team in the future for sure. actually, for an instance, they were aggressive at me cuz I said to them I was a full stack developer lol.

A FEW months ago I used to access the dark web and the deep web. deep web was lazy loading but the dark web was fascinating I was scared like hell to use it. I could easily portfolios of bounty killers, weaponry, and many illegal activities on the dark web 😶😶. she mentioned many cyber guys do illegal stuff on the dark web she also mentioned if I want to get into their fields like a white hat or gray hat I was advised to use the dark web securely. IDK about it but maybe far in the future, I will use the dark web for ethical purposes. time passed, the time they gave me was recurring it was time for them to leave I insisted to them a lot that I want to have some bonds with them lol. but they were so stubborn saying give up bro. I also mentioned I will leave this account for our medium of conversation

so that they can be anonymous and we can have chat once in a while, lol it didn't work and they also took that page with them this is the reason why you don't find the development_fam account existing. Well, I had a great talk with them, unfortunately, I can not tell everything in open. but yeah it was damn fun and thrill after many days some thrilling things happened in my life lmao.

I wish for their good and they are reading this I am thankful!!!!.


; IF you have come this far move a bit downward and leave a comment for more reach 😁

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