One of the solution to survive in space

Hello guys this article gives you enough info about the problems and few solutions to survive in interstellar space 
HOPE u all enjoy it 
Actually this is a project which my team have worked before in NASA and we have named it as the jeeva project 
So we kindly request you to understand that when ever you see the name jeeva think it as your model

The most important question that a space settlement must
answer is simply “why?” Without a reason why it should beJEEVA
built, a reason why it will result in a net benefit, there is no
reason to build the settlement in the first place. After all,
probes and robots can explore the solar systems leave the
Earth at all? JEEVA’s answer to this is many folds, with several
factors playing towards the decision much more cheaply than
we can why should human to construct the settlement. Chief
among these is the fact that at some point, the Earth will
become uninhabitable to humans. This may not happen until
the Sun cools into a red giant in some billions of years, or it
could happen tomorrow when a nuclear weapons accident
causes global devastation through automatic retaliation
protocols. In any case, the human race has two options to be at
least somewhat prepared to do without Earth, or to die on that
day. Another reason for building JEEVA is its economic
justification, which provides a net profit back to Earth on a
relatively short (25 years) timescale and provides new
resources that Earth would not otherwise have access to. JEEVA
also provides a platform for exploration, both to find new
places for humans to live and to bring back a wealth of valuable
scientific data to Earth bound scientists for developing medical
treatments, more advanced technology, and theories about the
universe. To this end, JEEVA has been given several missions, or
purposes, detailed below. 0) Overview JEEVA allows a thorough
study of how radiation and microgravity can best be handled inc human colonization, helping develop technologies
to continue human exploration. It also provides an advanced
base for launching interplanetary missions and fabrication of
perfect crystals for technological application
We had given JEEVA as the name of our space settlement as it
has a great meaning in it. Jeeva means life; life in space is our
aim. Full form of JEEVA is Junction of Event Ecosystem Variety
Association. In our space settlement each and every ecosystem
is to be considered so, we full formed it like this. By this namingonly we can understand the greatness of life in not only on
earth even in our space settlement which is named as JEEVA.JEEVA
Given picture is our space settlement model .It is located
in outer space. Usually in outer space we cannot live
because of deficiency of air, water, shelter, food. In outerspace presence of vacuum may kill us, but our space
settlement has oxygen, water, shelter, food etc. Our
specialized structure can detect UV rays and make sure
that UV rays cannot enter to settlement in which life
exists. Our team gives surety about our settlement that it
can defend any type of meteoroid, comet or an asteroid
which attacks us.
The middle part or centre of our settlement is called as central
hub. The upper part of this CENTRAL HUB is called “docking
station” which helps in maintaining stability of whole structure.
The middle mechanical part of helping the settlement structure
is called “recreation centre”. The other part which exists in
middle of hub which helps in agricultural production is called
“piraro tori”.The population which exists in our settlement
structure is approximately equal 16 thousand.
How to create oxygen in space?On Earth, we have a constant supply of fresh air. We breathe in
oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. These gases get
recycled by plants through the process of photosynthesis. The
plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. It's a
wonderful cycle on a vast scale. But what happens in the tiny,
confined cabins of spacecraft, like the space shuttle or space
Most spacecraft carry their own supply of oxygen with them
and may have one backup system. However, the missions of
these spacecraft last a short time, on the order of days to two
weeks. In contrast, the International Space Station (ISS) was
designed for long-term spaceflight and has been in orbit since
1998. So how is oxygen made aboard the ISS? It's handled in
one of three ways, using oxygen generators, pressurized oxygen
tanks or solid fuel oxygen generators (also called oxygen
candles).How Space Stations Work
● How the International Space Station Works
The primary method is accomplished by the oxygen generators
the Russian-made Electron and the U.S. Environmental Control
and Life Support System (ECLSS). The Electron is located in the
service module (Zvezda) and the ECLSS is located in the Destiny
laboratory module. These devices make oxygen from water by
a process called electrolysis, during which an electric current
passes through water from one positively-charged electrode
called an anode to another negatively-charged electrode called
a cathode. There's a small concentration of salt in the water to
conduct electricity because water itself is a poor electrical
conductor. In the process, water gets split into hydrogen gas
and oxygen gas. Here's how the chemistry of the process works
● At the cathode, a type of reaction called reduction occurs.
Electrons (e-
) from the cathode combine with the water
(H2O) to make hydrogen gas (H2) and hydroxide ions (OH-)2H2O (l) + 2e-->H2(g) + 2 OH-(aq).
● At the anode, a type of reaction called oxidation occurs.
Electrons get removed from water and flow into the
anode. Removing the electrons from water yields oxygen
gas (O2) and hydrogen ions (H+) 2H2O (l) -> O2 (g) + 4 e-+ 4
The electricity is generated by the station's solar panels and
supplied to the oxygen generators through the station's power
grid. The water gets delivered to the station from Earth by
Progress supply ships and the space shuttle. Water also gets
reclaimed by condensers that remove water vapor from the
cabin air (astronauts exhale water vapor). Finally, water can be
recycled from the astronauts' urine by the ECLSS unit. The
hydrogen gas made in the electrolysis process gets vented into
space and the oxygen gas is circulated into the cabin air.
6. Resource management
6.1. Air management
The Air Management Systems business is a world leader in
supplying advanced systems that enable a safe, healthy and
comfortable environment during flight. Electric and pneumatic
systems are installed on a broad array of commercial and
military aircraft, both fixed and rotary wing.
Primary product functions include cabin air conditioning and
temperature control, engine bleed air, fuel tank inserting, cabin
pressurization and control, ventilation, ice protection, and
liquid cooling. These systems are serviced at UTAS worldwide
customer support locations including Windsor Locks, Conn.,
Maastricht, the Netherlands and Malaysia.
All systems are designed to meet the exacting customer
requirements for efficiency, reliability, weight, performance,
safety, and maintainability.
6.2. Water management
On our space project, water is generally fairly clean, but unlike
on Earth all of it must be recycled (or at least very nearly all).
This makes it necessary to recycle not just water used for
industrial purposes and grey water, but also black water and all
waste products. While existing water treatment plants here
On Earth are good at processing large amounts of water, they
tend to use large amounts of toxic chemicals not readily
available on the Moon, which makes them hideously
impractical for Jeeva's use. Additionally, the effluent from
wastewater treatment plants is not considered safe for human
The solution, which provides clean water and breaks up organic
compounds in waste, consists of a supercritical water oxidation
system (SCWO) in conjunction with a maceration facility and UV irradiation.

The maceration stage breaks down large waste particles (food
waste, fecal matter, large particulate)and turns the input of
dirty water into a dilute slurry of organics in water, by adding
more water if necessary, to obtain a waste concentration
between 1% and 5% by volume. This slurry has approximately
the consistency of water but is still considered a biohazard,
hazardous material, or other classification based on the original
constituents. This slurry is then fed into the SCWO itself, which
uses a combination of pressure and temperature to oxidize the
wastes into small, typically non-toxic, molecules. At waste
concentrations of over1% the SCWO process is self-sustaining
because the heat from waste decomposition provides the heat
for decomposition of more waste66, leading to small power
requirements for the system. In all, an SCWO can achieve
99.99% or better destruction of waste products, and the result
of SCWO treatment is mostly water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
and some acids that can be precipitated out of solution or
stored for industrial use. Carbon dioxide produced in this
system is sent to the air processing units, while nitrogen is
allowed to escape into the atmosphere and water is sent on.
Note that there are some waste sources that do not require
processing in an SCWO. These include shower drains, sink
drains (mostly), and a few other sources of wastewater. Instead
of being funneled to the SCWO, these sources of water are
either irradiated with UV light, used to dilute waste products
traveling to the SCWO, or reused for processes such as using
toilets. Note that while this water does not contain largeamounts of toxic substances, it is still not safe for human
consumption and therefore cannot be used for drinking, food
preparation, or general human use without being treated.
To maintain a large amount of safe water for use and provide
an emergency buffer in case of Purification system failure,
Jeeva maintains a supply of 6.0 million liters (6000 tons) of
water onboard.
6.3. Water Use
To calculate the required capability of water processing
facilities, it is first necessary to determine water usage by
Jeeva's population. Each person requires approximately 2 liters
of drinking water per day, plus 2 liters for food preparation.
Using low faucets and shower heads and assuming total usage
(for an average resident of Jeeva) of five minutes of faucet time
per day and ten minutes of shower time per day, each
inhabitant of Jeeva uses 14.2 L/day for hand-washing and 50L/day for showering67.Additionally, assuming four toilet uses
per inhabitant per day, about 18 L/day are used per person for
toilet using. Using grey water from showering time, however,
reduces this usage to zero. Dishwashers, the other main use of
water, also use reclaimed grey water in their initial cycles,
cleaning food residue of utensils and dishes without using
additional water. A steam cycle is then used to sterilize the
dishwasher's contents, leading to water use of about 5 L/load,
or 1.2L/day per in habitant. Other water use (geoponics,
recreation, etc) could add up to 25 L/day per inhabitant
(estimated).In total, then, each resident of Jeeva uses
approximately 95 liters of water. This means that Jeeva's water
processing systems must be capable of processing 1.89 million
liters of water per day; fortunately, because the two habitation
decks are on opposite day/night schedules, this load can be
spread out over all 24 hours and there aren't times of true peak
use. Since an SCWO has a mass of only several tons, this system
is very feasible and provides an excellent method for
purification and reuse of Jeeva's water supply.
 These waste products are then disposed of in various ways
depending on their composition.
6.4. Food
Food on Jeeva is nearly as essential as water. Without food,
Jeeva will cease to function within days as people becomeunable to complete their jobs properly. For this reason, it is
essential to ensure a supply of food sufficient for Jeeva's
inhabitants, preferably while placing as little stress as Possible
on the settlement's resources. To reduce the energetic
requirement of growing food, all food on Jeeva is vegetarian;
no animals are raised to be used for food. The elimination of a
tropic level from the food chain, moving human’s one step
closer to primary productivity, increases the effective yield of
energy input tenfold. This greatly reduces the amount of energy
necessary to produce the food that feeds Jeeva's inhabitants
and eliminates the mess and hassle of livestock.
6.5. Food Supply
Like this algae helps in providing food in space
Food on Jeeva is provided by culturing several varieties of
plants. These include soybeans, beets, Khorasan grain,
potatoes, and blue-green algae. The first four species will help
to supply many of the trace minerals required for the human
body, while the fifth serves several purposes. Note, however,
that while these form the core of Jeeva's food supply, other
produce varieties are available in smaller quantities for aver,
trace nutrients, and relief from monotony. The yield of all of
these plants is relatively high. Khorasan grain produces about
1.3 tons per hectare, soybeans produce about 50 bushels per
acre, and beets have multiple harvests (beet greens and the
beet itself) while providing substantial amounts of trace
minerals. Potatoes are one of the crops recommended after
thorough study for their productivity at room temperature,
ability to keep without degradation for some time,
carbohydrate content, and digestibility. Nevertheless, these
crops (and a few others) are intended to provide supplement
and taste to the astronauts diet.

Algae the main food source for astronauts on our base is
blue-green algae, specifically Spirulinaand AFA. These varieties
of algae have high protein content, high antioxidant levels, and
contain large amounts of calcium and magnesium, along with
vitamins A, C, E, B6, and B12. In addition, algae grow very
rapidly in the presence of nitrogen and phosphorous, especially
if the air has a high carbon dioxide content. As mentioned
before, we will use blue-green algae to maintain atmospheric
O2 - these same glue-green algae are harvested to prevent
overgrowth and processed into food stuffs. It's clear that there
are some concerns that will need to be addressed regarding the
nutritional profile of these algae. For example, it is high in
sodium and low in Vitamin D, Vitamin A, fi-carotene, and
carbohydrates. Additionally, some other sources of lipids will be
required. However, these nutrients can be removed from the
algae (in the case of sodium) or provided by other foodstuffs,
and blue green algae provide almost everything else required
by the human body. 100 grams of algae contains 290 calories.
To encourage algal growth, we bubble nearly pure CO2 through
the algae tanks at relatively low rates (so as not to disturb the
water overly much). Additionally, wastewater and ground solid
waste are recycled through the algae tanks and farm areas to
provide greater nutrient levels. This system leads to faster algal
growth and ensures a plentiful supply of food.
Our growth system makes use of two types of lights. We use
LEDs for all lighting because of their high efficiency. The LEDsare optimized for two different wavelengths of light, 450 nm
and 650 nm, to optimize photosynthetic efficiency. This helps
us to avoid wasting energy while ensuring that the light we are
providing is sufficient for photosynthesis.
Pseudo gravity is very important to live in space. It is also
known as artificial gravity. Humans have negative effects on
their bodies when they stay in space like long-term weightless,
muscle mass decrease and also blood deficiency. Pseudo gravity
can be created by use of different forces, particularly
centripetal force and linear acceleration. In our model we
created pseudo gravity by the automatic rotation of space
Forces acting on settlement by using pseudo gravity
Emergencies are one of the most common activities happening
in space settlements. The main problem causing in settlements
are a part called debris which cause main damage like
If 10mm -10cm bolt touches a settlement will make the whole
settlement damage (like dynamite). An instrument named type
L space cleaner is used in settlements to overcome these
problems. The force from this instrument extracts these bolts
and nuts from settlement.
If asteroids come near or come to smash the settlement this
type of asteroid deviators deviate asteroids and send them to
other gravitational fields.
Safety margins are as follows IN JEEVA
If an SCWO fails, it will take time to repair the mechanism.
During this time, some water restrictions will be in place.
Specifically, showers will be limited to five minutes, reducing
water consumption greatly while causing a slight inconvenience
to Jeeva's population. This reduction in water use allows Jeeva
to function with just six or even five SCWO units operational;
further reductions of shower time could be necessary if more
units were damaged.
Ionic thrusters help in producing thrust force. Because of this
thrust force movement of space settlement takes place. These
thrusters help in accelerating of ions by using electricity. Ion
thrusters are categorized by how they accelerate the ions, using
either electrostatic or electromagnetic force. Electrostatic
thrusters use the Coulomb force and accelerate the ions in the
direction of the electric field.
Asteroid capture
If asteroid enters our gravitational field there is only two ways
for escaping from these asteroids
1) Returning back these asteroids in its own way.
2) Capturing this asteroid and utilizing its energy in space
 The best way is utilizing its energy, as electrical energy is not
much available there.
Asteroids are made mostly of rock — with some composed of
clay and silicate — and different metals mostly nickel. But other
materials have been found in asteroids, as well.
We can use these asteroids for getting resources which are
useful in our space settlement. Such as
➢Clays are used in the manufacturing of paper, refractory’s,
rubber, ball clay, dinnerware and pottery, floor and wall
tile, sanitary wear, fire clay, firebricks, foundry sands,
drilling mud, iron-ore pelletizing, absorbent and filtering
materials, construction materials, and cosmetics.
➢Silicate is used in the manufacture of computer chips, glass
and refractory materials, ceramics, abrasives, and water
filtration; and is a component of hydraulic cements, a filler
in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, paper, and insecticides; as
an anti-caking agent in foods; a flatting agent in paint, and
as a thermal insulator.
➢Nickel is vital as an alloy to stainless steel, and it plays a
key role in the chemical and aerospace industries.
Asteroid capture happens when an asteroid "misses" the planet
when it is falling towards it, but it is not fast enough to escape
from the planet's orbit. In that case the asteroid is captured and
reaches a stable (closed) elliptic orbit around the planet which
does not intersect the planet's surface or atmosphere. This
depends on variables such as the asteroid's velocity relative to
the planet, the mass of the planet, and the trajectory of the
When a sphere spins it forms a doughnut like structure called
“torus”. It is formed by rotating a circular disc. This tube is an
interconnected system which has a hollow structure in it. A
body like this is useful for our settlement for construction
purpose. As formation of pseudo gravity is important task of
formation of JEEVA with the help of the torus no damage
causes to our settlement. There are mainly three torus.
 torus contains:-
 Food production industry, oxygen production industry, water
production industry, animal rearing plant, food factory, fuel
production by bio gas, 1st
 communication centre.
 torus contains:-
Houses, living yards, food storage plants, multiplexes, hotels,
schools, companies, cid’s, amusement parks, resorts, recreation
places, theaters, waste management centre, open li-fi, 2
communication centre,
 torus contains:-
Manufacturing of automobiles, machines, plastics which is
eco-friendly, furniture, metallic substances, utensils, space
crafts, different types of gadgets, etc are produced in industries
This is located in 3rd torus
A lunar outpost was an element of the George W. Bush era
Vision for Space Exploration, which has been replaced with
President Barak Obama's space policy. The outpost would have
been an inhabited facility on the surface of the Moon. At the
time it was proposed, NASA was to construct the outpost over
the five years between 2019 and 2024. The United States
Congress directed that the U.S. portion, "shall be designated
the Neil A. Armstrong Lunar Outpost".
On December 4, 2006, NASA announced the conclusion of its
Global Exploration Strategy and Lunar Architecture Study. TheLunar Architecture Study's purpose was to "define a series of
lunar missions constituting NASA's Lunar campaign to fulfill the
Lunar Exploration elements" of the Vision for Space
Exploration. What resulted was a basic plan for a lunar outpost
near one of the poles of the Moon, which would permanently
house astronauts in six-month shifts. These studies were made
before the discovery of water ice (5.6 ± 2.9% by mass) in a polar
crater, which may substantially affect plans.
In our lunar base there is an algae storage plant which helps in
production of food for our jeeva settlement and the it also give
information of nearby asteroids and comets through signal
The every country and the world need to find new sources of
clean energy. Space Solar Power gathers energy from sunlight
in space and transmits it wirelessly to Earth. Space solar power
can solve our energy and greenhouse gas emissions problems.
Not just help, not just take a step in the right direction, but
solve. Space solar power can provide large quantities of energy
to each and every person on Earth with very little
environmental impact.The solar energy available in space is literally billions of times
greater than we use today. The lifetime of the sun is an
estimated 4-5 billion years, making space solar power a truly
long-term energy solution. As Earth receives only one part in
2.3 billion of the Sun's output, space solar power is by far the
largest potential energy source available, dwarfing all others
combined. Solar energy is routinely used on nearly all
spacecraft today. This technology on a larger scale, combined
with already demonstrated wireless power transmission (see
2-minute video of demo), can supply nearly all the electrical
needs in our settlement.
Use of settlement in our settlement.
Transport IN JEEVA
The Space Transportation System (STS), also known internally
to NASA as the Integrated Program Plan (IPP) was a proposed
system of reusable manned space vehicles envisioned in 1969
to support extended operations beyond the Apollo program.
(NASA appropriated the name for its Space Shuttle Program,
the only component of the proposal to survive Congressional
funding approval.) The purpose of the system was twofold to
reduce the cost of spaceflight by replacing the current method
of launching capsules on expendable rockets with reusable
spacecraft; and to support ambitious follow-on programs
including permanent orbiting space stations around the Earth
and Moon, and a human landing mission to Mars.
A part of the system, Space Station Freedom, was approved in
the early 1980s and announced in 1984 by President Ronald
Reagan. However, this also became politically unviable by 1993,
and was replaced with the International Space Station, with
substantial contribution by Russia. The ISS was completed in

Mars is the focus of much scientific study about possible human
colonization. Its surface conditions and the presence of water
on Mars make it arguably the most hospitable of the planets in
the Solar System, other than Earth. Mars requires less energy
per unit mass (delta-v) to reach from Earth than any planet
except Venus.
● The Martian day (or sol) is very close in duration to Earth's.
A solar day on Mars is 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35.244
● Mars has a surface area that is 28.4% of Earth's, only slightly

less than the amount of dry land on Earth (which is 29.2% of
Earth's surface). Mars has half the radius of Earth and only
one-tenth the mass. This means that it has a smaller volume
(~15%) and lower average density than Earth.
● Mars has an axial tilt of 25.19°, similar to Earth's 23.44°. As a
result, Mars has seasons much like Earth, though they last
nearly twice as long because the Martian year is about
1.88 Earth years. The Martian North Pole currently points
at Cygnus, not Ursa Minor like Earth's.
Space farming refers to the cultivation of crops for food and
other materials in space or on off-Earth natural objects –
equivalent to agriculture on Earth.
Farming on mars or moon share many similarities with farming
on our space station or space colony, but would lack the
“complexity of microgravity” found in the latter. Each
environment would also have differences in the availability of
inputs to the space agriculture process inorganic material
needed for plant growth, soil media, isolation, relative
availability of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen, and so
As every person needs food for energy where ever he live,
agriculture in space is one of the most important activities. We
can create artificial environment for these plants to grow.
Agriculture methods in space are as follows
A. We can produce food by producing LADA green house
effect .In LADA green house effect we can produce plants
in minimum gravity or micro gravitic atmosphere. In LADA

we can produce food, without gravity. Production of food
is only possible with help of osmosis process, but in space
this process doesn’t take place because of less gravity.
Where as in LADA it can be possible even without gravity.
18. Robots IN JEEVA
Robots play a major role in our daily life, even in our space
settlement [jeeva] it is main. In our space settlement
robots are used in many ways like, in case of security,
agriculture, service, controlling input and output activities
in our space settlement [jeeva].Using robots in space is
better than using it on earth.
Usually humans can’t work in few temperature conditions,
where as robots can work. Humans can’t touch few
electrical appliances, where as robots can.
Like this robots can work in each and every conditions, so
we used robots in our space settlement [jeeva].Robots is
one of the example to say that our space settlement uses
modern technology. These robots are used for detecting
asteroids, meteoroids and comets which are ready tocrash with our space settlement. Our robots in settlement
are designed in a way that they are perfect in detecting
any problem.
19. Education IN JEEVA
 In space settlement only skilled people stay, so no need of
giving them basic knowledge. Only we must give them the
knowledge about the whole space settlement [jeeva].Robotic
technology is used to bring awareness to the people about
space settlement. We have to teach about the features of jeeva
and we should make people habitats in space as in earth with
the help of jeeva. We have to educate people about the
settlement of jeeva. Education should be given compulsorily to
the people who live in space in jeeva space settlement. By this
they can settle at any other location if they want to.Electricity in JEEVA
Here all reds are North Pole and blues are south poles. By
placing the magnets in this position we can produceNaturally any space settlement runs with solar energy to get
electricity but in case of absence of solar energy. So we have to
get another form of energy. The energy using in our space
settlement is bar magnet energy in which all north poles facing
other side of space and all south poles facing another side of
other set of south poles and these are connected to a pole. By
this all south poles repel rotate in some 600 km/h and give giga
watt energy which give more amount energy to our settlement
.The pole is connected to dynamo which converts repletion
energy to electrical energy provides all our space settlement.
All torus structures in our space settlement are connected with
solar panels also provide energy to us, so our space settlement
will be invincible with electricity.
21. Medical facilities in JEEVA
The major diseases which occur in our space settlement are
space motion sickness, vomiting due to speed of rotation, hair
damage due to lack of nutrients, even brain damage also a main
importance of hospitality. We can control these types of
medical problems by maintain a constant gravitational effect
and atmosphere pressure.
The above given medical problems are major one, now we are
going to explain minor problems those are infection of eye,
skin, teeth, and even blood circulation become slow. Instability
of inner organs in our body takes place. These types of minor
problems can be cured by maintaining the stability in body by
taking a good balanced diet and using antibiotics.
In our space settlement we are providing great medical
facilities to overcome these problems, well qualified doctors in
our space settlement.
 Docking station plays a key role in our space settlement.
In our space settlement docking station is not only used for
transportation but it also contains magnets and turbines which
are the main source for electricity as we mentioned above. We
are protecting this docking port with three layer of defense.
● FR-4/G10[plastic]
● Chromium[metal]
● Silicon glass guard[non metal]
As we said that we capture asteroids with type L space
cleaner. We launch this space cleaner from this docking port;
from these asteroids we extract silicate, nickel, etc. We use
this silicate for preparing defensive shield for our docking
Take off and arrival of space crafts, space shuttles takes place
in this docking port. Docking port receives the required
information from lunar base and Martian base. Every Space
craft in our space settlement has a security code to enter in
our space settlement; this data is cross checked by docking
In JEEVA production of food, water, manufacturing of
automobiles , machines , plastics which is eco-friendly ,
furniture, metallic substances , utensils, space crafts,
different types of gadgets, etc are produced in industries
which is located in 3rd
 torus of JEEVA . Industries place a vital
role in JEEVA at all aspects. Urbanization in JEEVA is mostly
dependent on industrialization only. Take caring of industries
is a major task. This task is given to very skilled people. These24. Day and night formation IN JEEVA
Initially formation of day needs light the main source of light
is electricity. In JEEVA through solar energy and turbine
energy only we get electricity. The solar panels which are
arranged in jeeva are arranged in such a way that the solar
energy is multiplied with the help of concave mirror and
convex lens. By these sources we get huge amount of
electricity. This electricity is more enough for production of
light for day and night formation, charging of space craft’s
etc. According to day, night, seasons suitable amount of
temperature & atmospheric pressure is provided in JEEVA.
25. Waste management in JEEVA
In every settlement waste management plays a key role. This
settlement also needs proper waste management systems in
order to be hygienic and a pleasant place to live in. In jeeva
waste management is mostly needed other otherwise jeeva will
be polluted as earth. So for this waste management three
methods are to be followed. They are
Method 1:
The toxic, biodegradable, non-biodegradable wastes are
collected from all torus and will be sended to waste
management centre. In waste management centre the
collected waste is differentiated into toxic, biodegradable,
non-biodegradable wastes here useful materials are extracted
from the waste and sended to industries.
Method 2:
The toxic, biodegradable waste which is not useful to JEEVA will
be loaded in a missile like structure and it is launched to nearby
planet so that formation of life may occur.
Method 3:
Here the reaming waste is collected into a huge container and it
is smashed with huge amount of electricity same as done in
military commode.
These are 3 methods which are followed in JEEVA for
management of waste.
Communication in JEEVA is done through the method optical
fiber. This advanced method which is used in hi-tech
companies. In this method light plays a key role in this method.
Our skilled people insert data in light and send through light
transmitters. The transmitted light which is containing the data
is received by the receivers and that light is transformed into
the data. In JEEVA for every torus there are 100 – 150
transmitters and receivers. In JEEVA astronauts have micro
phone in their collar and they also have Bluetooth near their
ear. If anyone astronaut speaks anything that can be heard by
the astronaut with whom he wants to talk.
27. Thermal insulation IN JEEVA
In any space heat should uniformly. Maintenance of heat
should be according to suitable conditions because of overheat
the matter can expand due to this many problems may occur
and due to less heat the matter may compress. Due to
improper maintenance of heat may also cause severe damage
in living beings. Some substances which have less igneous
temperature may melt. JEEVA has a good solution for this
problem. In JEEVA there are hi-tech machines which maintain
equal balance of heat. If temperature decreases the enough
amount of heat is produced by these machines. In these
manner heat can be maintain equally. In JEEVA temperature
maintained is according to seasons in summer season
temperature in JEEVA is 30-36 degree Celsius. In JEEVA heat
maintained is 20-30 degree Celsius.


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